Are you sure you’re paying staff correctly?
Award interpretation can be tricky, but the risks around making mistakes – and getting caught out – are huge.
It seems every week there is another story about an Employer who has discovered they have been underpaying staff. It’s not just small employers either; we’ve seen Woolworths, Coles, QANTAS and several more of Australia’s largest employers find issues with their payroll in the last few years.
Why does this keep happening?
How can you be sure that you are paying your staff correctly?
I don’t believe that these large companies are setting out to rip off their workforce. The risk is too big for it to be deliberate.
Businesses of all shapes and sizes across a range of industries have recently uncovered wage mistakes. These include a concerning number of restaurant groups such as Dinner by Heston, George Calombaris’ MAdE establishment, the Rockpool Dining Group and billion-dollar hospitality empire, Merivale – to name a few. Target, Bunnings, World Vision, and even Surf Lifesaving Queensland, have also been caught out in the past year.
Why would a company deliberately put themselves at a financial risk like this? Let alone the reputational damage that it causes.
From our point of view the simple answer is that calculating Australian Payroll, based on an interpretation of Industry Awards, is HARD! These awards have a lot of legal grey areas, and areas of complexity, that make them very easy to be misinterpreted.
We know this is true because we have worked with a large number of awards for employers all over Australia. We’ve found that even with the same award within the same state, Employers can pay employees differently depending on how they interpret each award.
An answer? Automated award interpretation.
A core part of the Squirrel system is our Award Interpretation module. We allow for specific interpretations of an award to be implemented, to calculate employees’ pay in line with employers’ expectations.
We’ve been working with clients using this module over the last few years, which has seen it evolve into a robust – and complex – calculation engine. When we say calculating accurate pay is tricky, you can trust that we have been in the trenches. We know it is hard.
Let’s empower people and businesses with the knowledge that their payslips are correct.
We understand that wage theft mistakes do happen, and our mission is to make sure everyone, whether business owners or employees, can know for sure if their payslips are correct.
Let’s work together to stop wage calculation errors – or wage theft – in Australia for good.
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